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Dr Andrew Hart Media Education Research |
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Dr Andrew Hart Media Education Research
Please read the late Dr Andrew Hart research publication on media education
Dr. Andrew Hart was Senior Lecturer in Education and Director of the University of Southampton's Media Education Centre. He was Director of the Research and Graduate School of Education's Research Training Programme and of the MA(Ed) Language in Education course. He has also taught for many years on PGCE, Master's and Research courses and has developed and worked on a range of innovative Distance Learning courses. He was an Associate Tutor at the Centre for Mass Communication Research at the University of Leicester and a Tutor-Supervisor on the Open University's EdD programme. Dr. Andrew Hart supervised my doctoral studies between 1992 and 1995, and I learned a lot from him, and he was very kind, humble and courteous.
He has published widely on Media Education and worked closely with teachers as Director of the Southampton Media Education Group, and the Southern Media Education Research Network. He has also been UK representative on the World Council/Network for Media Education since 1996. He was on the Editorial Board of three international academic journals and was Editor of the International Journal of Media Education (Trentham Books). He has acted as adviser and consultant to the UK Qualifications and Curriculum Authority on Advanced Level curricula in Media, Film and Communication Studies. He has worked in collaboration with the BBC and ITV companies on research and resource projects and has spoken at specialist conferences throughout the world.
Major publications include Teaching Television, Making 'The Real World' (CUP 1988), Understanding the Media (BBC/Routledge 1990/91) and Developing Media in English (Hodder 1995). His recent book Teaching the Media: International Perspectives was published by Lawrence Erlbaum, New Jersey, USA, 1998. Recent articles on his research appeared in METRO, 22 (Autumn 1999) in the European Journal of Communication Research 25/3(2000) and in Changing English 8/1 (2001). He was the coordinator of a research project on Media teaching in 12 European countries and his latest book (with Alun Hicks),Teaching Media in the English Curriculum, is published by Trentham Books.
Andrew Hart died at the beginning of 2002. He leaves one’s mark in the international research community of Media Education.
المشرف العام الاستاذ الدكتور علي بن شرف الموسوي
المشرف Southampton Education Perspectives الدكتور Qualifications collaboration publications University الاستاذ Research Curriculum semanticscholar conferences international representative الموسوي Understanding Communication Tutor-Supervisor