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The Skills of Producing Instructional Web Sites ...




The Skills of Producing Instructional Web Sites ...

The Effectiveness of a Suggested Program in DevelopingThe Skills of Producing Instructional Web Sites for Faculty of Education Students PH. D. Thesis by Akram Fathy Mostafa Lecture at The Instructional Technology Dept.Qena Faculty of Specific South Valley UniversitySummaryIntroduction The internet epands by the nonstop increase of its users. It becomes more important day after day because of the variety of sites updated every day that became part and parcel of the modern life. Since for every social change there is always an educational counterpart it becomes necessary for education to face this technical and informational revolution through functionalizing the internet in different educational purposes. Through the internet different outlets for knowledge are wide open such as email mail lists file transfer electronic liaries video conferences databases news groups educational services and digital publishing. The present study attempts to make use of one of these applications namely the production of educational sites for learners and teachers through measuring the effectiveness of suggested programme for developing the skills of producing educational websites by students of the faculty of education in the light of educational and technological criteria. Problem of the study:. The low level of student teachers in the skills of producing websites and the bad need to develop these skills for them.. The need to have structural educational and technological criteria on which building educational sites can be based The present study attempts to identify these structural criteria for designing educational websites and to develop the skills of producing these sites for students of the faculty of education. Questions of the study:. What are the structural educational and technological criteria for educational websites?. What are the basic skills necessary for building educational websites for students of the faculty of education? . What is the suggested view of building a programme for developing the skills of producing educational websites by students of the faculty of education?. What is the effectiveness of the suggested programme for developing the skills of producing educational websites by students of the faculty of education? Significance of the study:. The study provides the designers of educational websites with the inventory of structural educational and technological criteria for designing educational websites to control quality and achieve the educational goals. . The study provides the developers of teacher education programmers with the inventory of the skills of producing educational websites .. It helps student teachers in designing effective educational websites. It encourages students and educators to produce personal websites which include educational components such as the academic subjects taught or learnt. . It can contribute in filling the gap in Arabic studies in the field of designing learning environments on the net.. It is considered an attempt to catch up with the contemporary world trends in webbased instruction and a response to the recommendations of various conferences and studies that called for the necessity of functionalizing the net in learning. Aims of the study:. Identifying the structural educationaltechnological criteria for designing educational websites.. Identifying the skills of designing educational websites.. Designing a programme for developing the skills of producing educational websites for students f the faculty of education.. Measuring the effectiveness of the suggested programme in developing the skills of producing educational websites for students f the faculty of education.Delimitations of the study: . Sample of the study: male and female student teachers. Some of them were enrolled in the third year in Qena faculty of Education departments of Mathematics physics and chemistry and Biology. Others were enrolled in the third year at Qena faculty of Specific education departments of Music education art education and home economics. . The level of webbased learning: The study adopts a webbased learning level where the objective of the educational website is to support the classroom instruction. Procedures of the study: The Theoretical aspect: This included reviewing and studying the following components:. Using the internet in education the internet its concept and history the use of the internet in education components of webbased instruction using the net in the classroom barriers to using the net in education. Instructional websites concept types criteria components prerequisites ready systems and characteristics of educational websitesIn order to identify:. The criteria for designing educational websites .. The skills of producing educational websites .. The framework of the suggeste





Re: The Skills of Producing Instructional Web Sites ...

students post application Results of the study:. The answer to the first question was reached through developing the inventory of structural educational technological criteria for designing educational websites. Frequencies and means for each criterion showed the validity of all criteria for application criteria got . % and a mean of . while criteria got .% and a mean of . . . The answer to the second question was reached through designing the inventory of the websites production skills. For the third question the framework of the suggested programme followed four stages: the educational preparation the equipping. The authoring and the eperimentation stages. . For the fourth question results of the pre and post administration were recorded and statistically processed. Final results were as follows: There are statistically significant differences at . level between the mean scores of the group in the pre and post administration of the achievement test favoring those of the post administration. T value was . effect ratio was . and gain ration was . which show that the programme is highly effective in developing information related to the skills of producing educational websites. There are statistically significant differences at . level between the mean scores of the group in the pre and post administration of the observation sheet favoring those of the post administration. T value was . effect ratio was . and gain ration was . which show that the programme is highly effective in developing the skills of producing educational websites.  There are statistically significant differences at . level between the mean scores of the group in the pre and post administration of an evaluation sheet favoring those of the post administration. T value was . effect ratio was . and gain ration was . which show that the programme is highly effective in developing the skills of producing educational websites. Recommendations of the study:. Making the best use of studies that were conducted in the field of designing webbased learning environments.. Using the programme suggested in the present study in developing the skills of producing educational websites. . Epanding the systems of elearning and webbased instruction gradually.. The role of the teacher has to change from a user to a producer of educational software. This can be done through systemic training and workshops.. Introducing the courses of websites production in the teacher education courses and supporting the departments of educational technology. Suggestions for further studies:. Studies investigating the effect of some variables that are related to designing educational websites and the cognitive styles of students. . Studying the learning disabilities of producing educational websites and suggesting remedial techniques. . Studying studies comparing different strategies for webbased instruction and the effect of each on developing attitudes towards elearning. . Developing structural criteria for producing educational websites for specialneeds students . Studies to develop ecourses through the web in the light pf total quality criteria. . Studies to develop educational and technical criteria according to each subject matter.

educational   Producing   educationaltechnological   technological   Education   statistically   criteria   Instructional   Faculty   functionalizing   Students   Effectiveness   developing   structural   administration   UniversitySummaryIntroduction   designing   recommendations   programme   websites