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Sustainable Leadership and Technology Innovation Management conference 2023- Bahrain |
15.11.22 08:16
admin المدير
15.11.22 08:16
admin المدير
Sustainable Leadership and Technology Innovation Management conference 2023- Bahrain
6th Equal Opportunities Conference “Sustainable Leadership and Technology Innovation Management Ahlia University in collaboration with Brunel University London and the University of Business and Technology KSA 6th -8th February 2023, Gulf Hotel, Manama Bahrain
Important Dates: • Conference Dates: February 6-8, 2023 • Paper Submission Deadline: Jan 20, 2023. • Deadline for registration of authors of accepted papers: Jan 31, 2023.
A selection of papers will be published as Journal Publication in Q1 and Q2 in a special issue dedicated to the conference subject to further developments to match the journal requirements.
المشرف العام الاستاذ الدكتور علي بن شرف الموسوي
المشرف Conference Management Sustainable Innovation “Sustainable dedicated Publication conference registration collaboration الدكتور University الاستاذ Technology developments requirements الموسوي Leadership Opportunities