02.06.21 13:58
admin  المدير

PICICT2021:The Third Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technogy
The Third Palestinian International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (PICICT 2021)
(The proceedings will be submitted to IEEE)
Sep 28 - 29, 2021
Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic University of Gaza, Gaza, Palestine
Faculty of Computer and Information Technology, Alaqsa University, Gaza, Palestine
Website: http://www.picict.ps/
We are very pleased to inform you that the Faculty of Information Technology, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) Palestine and the Faculty of Computers and Information Technology - Al-Aqsa University, Gaza, Palestine, will be organizing the Third Palestinian International Conference of Information and Communication Technology, PICICT2021 on Sep 28 - 29, 2021 Gaza, Palestine.
Authors are invited to submit unpublished FULL PAPERS describing latest original research findings in the following areas of interest, but are not limited to:
* Artificial Intelligence
* Intelligent Systems And Applications
* Internet of Things (IoT)
* Evolutionary Computation
* Data Mining
* Mobile Computing and Networking
* Social Network Analysis
* Big Data Analysis
* Semantic Web
* Information Retrieval
* Software Engineering
* Database Technology
* Virtual Reality
* Cloud Computing
* Grid Computing
* Parallel and Distributed Computing
* Augmented Reality
* Music, Speech and Audio Processing in Multimedia
* Information Security and Cryptography
* Software Security
* Network Security and Forensics
* Computer Vision and Image Processing
* Multimedia HCI and Quality of Experience
* Business Intelligence, & Knowledge Management
* Multimedia Art, Entertainment and Culture
* Computer Architecture and Microprocessors
* Telecommunication and Network Technologies
* Status of Information Technology and Infrastructure in Palestine and the Middle East
* Natural Language Processing and its Applications
Publication and Evaluation Process
Each submitted paper will pass through per-review process. Authors of any accepted paper are required to submit the final version by the deadline reported in the conference website. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings of PICICT2021. The paper will be also submitted to IEEE for inclusion in IEEE Xplore digital library.
Paper Submission
Submitted papers should be formatted according to the IEEE double-column conference style. To ensure the correct formatting, please use the IEEE templates provided at the link below.
https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html <https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publish...plates.html>
It includes Latex and Word templates. Please use the style word files for U.S. letter size.
Consider the following points in preparing the submitted paper:
* The paper size is U.S. letter size,
* Only a single doc file (prepared using MS Word) or pdf format.is accepted.
* Paper length is limited to 6 pages (Additional pages are subject to per-page extra fee).
The submission must be through the EasyChair conference management system via the direct link at https://easychair.org/account/signin?l=D...ESCiGaqwJypmka#
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission: July 1, 2021
Acceptance Notification: August 15, 2021
Camera-Ready paper submission: September 1, 2021
Conference Dates: September 28-29, 2021
Please direct all correspondence to:
Dr. Tawfiq S Barhoom,
Faculty of Information Technology,
Islamic University of Gaza.
Tel. 00970 2644000 ext. 2966
Fax. 00970 8 264 4400
Email: picict@iugaza.edu.ps <mailto:picict@iugaza.edu.ps>
Website: http://www.picict.ps/
المشرف العام الاستاذ الدكتور علي بن شرف الموسوي