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منتديات الموسوي في تقنيات التعليم - منتديات متخصصة في التعلم الالكتروني و المتنقل و المنتشر
لم تقم بعملية تسجيل الدخول إلى الموقع
 تسجيل الدخول

منتديات الموسوي في تقنيات التعليم... مرحبا بكم

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How glad I am
13.04.21 11:36


13.04.21 11:36


How glad I am

How glad I am

How glad I am
My kids started to speak
That's an outcome
And that's all my dream

Two years of teaching
Two years of love
Not yet twenty
But enough that I've learned

All students are kids
In the "language" field

All want to say:
"Teacher… I am here!"

Let your kids be proud
of their own names
Then you can have
A loving atmosphere
Let them "feel important"
And special as they can

There is in your classroom
A reader who reads well
A writer of the week
And another is a speaker
Who talks and talks
"…. Teacher… come…go!!"
No matter how broken
The language they speak

Have some English Lovers
…. Five at least
Those who are creative
And make their hearts beat

Not forget to mention
Challenge and surprise
Let me make it clear:
Between my classes
There is a competition
And the winner
Get a surprise!!

….I tried those techniques
And all went well..

And now..
How glad I am
My kids started to speak..

Fatma Al Khalifin

language   Challenge   techniques   competition   another   Teacher…   Khalifin   outcome   atmosphere   teaching   11-3-2008   creative   come…go   English   started   mention   surprise   important   classroom   students