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The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher |
09.12.21 17:08
admin المدير
09.12.21 17:08
admin المدير
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher See our latest journal impact metrics We are delighted to share some journal metrics and selected open access articles from 2021 highlighting the quality of our content. How you will benefit from publishing Open Access with us: When you publish your research open access with us you guarantee that your work is immediately freely accessible with a greater reach and readership. Learn More https://www.springer.com/journal/40299?s...B9DBB5AB72024FB المشرف العام الاستاذ الدكتور علي بن شرف الموسوي
delighted الاستاذ guarantee immediately Asia-Pacific B9DBB5AB72024FB publishing Researcher الدكتور selected المشرف الموسوي readership accessible journal Education العام springer research highlighting