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منتديات الموسوي في تقنيات التعليم - منتديات متخصصة في التعلم الالكتروني و المتنقل و المنتشر
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منتديات الموسوي في تقنيات التعليم... مرحبا بكم

للتعرف على سيرة أ.د. علي بن شرف الموسوي زوروا موقعه الشخصي Al-Musawi.Com

مهام معلم مصادر التعلم Role of LRTC SpecialistGeneral Role
26.03.21 14:29


26.03.21 14:29


مهام معلم مصادر التعلم Role of LRTC SpecialistGeneral Role

Help to select and purchase the most appropriate technologybased resources such as CDROMs videos and ELearning. • Evaluate these materials. • Decide what best meets the institutions training needs within an available budget. • Negotiate with courseware producers or the MOE to ensure getting the most appropriate license.General Role• Advice on IT issues such as the appropriate PC specification or network configuration. • Offer an ongoing technical support service. • Installation of all courseware and advice on Learning Management including evaluation procedures. • Training of trainers/teachers in the running of the LRC and in supporting learners. • Help with the internal promotion of LRTC. Specific Duties• Operate a multimedia computer system including installing software accessing programs or files in other drives such as CDROM in drive d:/ saving and deleting files organizing folders and maintaining backups within the contet of Macintosh Windows and networked systems.• Describe and implement basic troubleshooting techniques for multimedia computer systems with related peripheral devices. Specific Duties• Demonstrate knowledge of equity ethics legal and human issues concerning use of computers and technology.• Demonstrate awareness of resources for adaptive assistive devices for students with special needs. Specific Duties• Use terminology related to computers and technology appropriately in written and oral communications.• Use audio/visual technology and books to provide feedback for skill development/performance enhancement in instruction/training. • Use instructional software and books to support student learning and professional review sources to match software to the needs of learners in the special education or regular classroom. Specific Duties• Use databases to collect organize and analyze data and produce meaningful reports to aid in problem solving. • Use spreadsheets to calculate and display information and produce meaningful reports to aid in problem solving. • Use graphic organizer software to display information graphically for ainstorming or decisionmaking sessions. Specific Duties• Use audio/visual technology audiotape video or slides to produce artistic or informational audio/visual projects. • Use digital imaging programs as a tool for artistic epression or creation • Use word processing and print layout design applications to compose revise and produce materials documents newsletters or ochures. Specific Duties
المشرف العام
الاستاذ الدكتور علي بن شرف الموسوي

26.03.21 14:29


26.03.21 14:29


Re: مهام معلم مصادر التعلم Role of LRTC SpecialistGeneral Role

• Use multimedia software to create multimedia reports or presentations. • Use World Wide Web authoring software or HTML code to create an educational website. Specific Duties• Use video conferencing such as the to communicate with others. • Use Internet and email to communicate with others. Specific Duties• Use audio/visual resources audiotapes videos or slides to access information and analyze the authority accuracy currency and relevance. • Use World Wide Web sources to access information and analyze the authority accuracy currency and relevance.• Use electronic informational and reference sources e.g. CDROMs or laserdiscs about oceans art Shakespeare or Africa or a periodical inde or a multimedia encyclopedia to access information and analyze the authority accuracy currency and relevance.Specific Duties• Operate basic and disciplinespecific equipment e.g. LCD display projectors scan converters laserdisc players VCRs graphing calculators in math MIDI keyboards in music and scanners and still digital or video cameras in the visual arts and use it to support instruction and inquiry specific to the content area. Specific Duties• Use instructional software for instruction in IT curriculum/education • Use physical education instructional software equipment and simulations for physical education instruction.• Use instructional software technology for theatre instruction design or direction.• Use instructional software for roleplaying simulations or research in the social sciences. Specific Duties• Use instructional software appropriate for reading viewing writing listening speaking and performance instruction. • Use foreign language instructional technologies and associated documentation for foreign language instruction. • Use computer and calculator applications to collect display and analyze physical data for science instruction and inquiry. Specific Duties• Use instructional software and MIDI technology for music composition or instruction. • Demonstrate awareness of uses of computers and computing technology in business industry and society.Specific Duties• Use appropriate calculators four function fraction scientific or graphing and etensions to enhance mathematics instruction. • Use appropriate software e.g. LOGO spreadsheets CAS Geometer#s Sketchpad to enhance mathematics instruction. • Use computer and video systems e.g. computers videodisc players VCRs DVDs and cameras for science instruction and inquiry.

المشرف العام
الاستاذ الدكتور علي بن شرف الموسوي

communications   الاستاذ   الموسوي   troubleshooting   Specific   technologybased   instruction   technology   الدكتور   informational   software   SpecialistGeneral   instructional   appropriately   disciplinespecific   information   multimedia   appropriate   decisionmaking   Duties•