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14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) 2023 |
04.01.23 07:57
admin  المدير
04.01.23 07:57
admin  المدير

14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) 2023
14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) 2023 and the Affiliated Conferences which will be held at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, California, USA, July 20-24, 2023 (http://ahfe.org). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract Submissions Deadline (500 words): 15 January 2023 (11:00PM PST) AHFE Submission System: https://www.ahfe.org/submissions.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AHFE 2023 is the worldwide renowned international forum for the dissemination and exchange of up-to-date scientific information on theoretical, generic and applied areas of Applied Human Factors and ergonomics, Human Computer Interaction, and Human Systems Integration in 47 thematic areas of research. AHFE 2023 Conference is attended by more than 1800 participant from academia and industry! AHFE Conference Tracks: http://ahfe.org/tracks.html Peer-review accepted papers will be published in the AHFE 2023 open-access proceedings, each paper assigned unique DOI, and as chapters in multi-volume edited books under the series of Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics. The proceedings will be submitted for indexing worldwide.
المشرف العام الاستاذ الدكتور علي بن شرف الموسوي
معدل 04.01.23 07:58
Interaction International الدكتور Ergonomics المشرف Submissions multi-volume Peer-review dissemination open-access Integration participant theoretical الموسوي Conference information Conferences proceedings الاستاذ Applied